11 amazing facts of space which you don't know ??|Technospace


15 amazing facts about space

1. Our space (universe, galaxies, solar systems,etc) started when big bang happened. The universe began, scientists believe, with every speck of its energy jammed into a very tiny point. This extremely dense point exploded with unimaginable force, creating matter and propelling it outward to make the billions of galaxies of our vast universe. Astrophysicists dubbed this titanic explosion the ' Big Bang'.

2. The stars like our Sun is far away from us. The place where we see a planet or a star is not the actual place of the body. It is located anywhere else. This known as the apparent vision of stars.

3.  Scientists have found that our universe is in a ball like droplet structure where millions of galaxies are there. Like this only there are many droplets, which makes a new thing 'multiverse'.

4. Neutron Stars can spin 600 times faster per second.

5. A star named Methuselah Star is oldest star in space and is about 14.3 billion years old.

6. Titan's surface is sculpted by flowing methane and ethane, which carves river channels and fills great lakes with liquid natural gas. No other world in the solar system, aside from Earth, has that kind of liquid activity on its surface.

7. The hottest planet in our solar system which is Venus, is about 470°C.

8. Scientists have found water in ice form in Mars. And they have predicted that they will find Martian life soon.

9. Our space is dependent on four types of force:-

● Gravitational force
● Electrostatic force
● Weak Nuclear force
● Strong Nuclear force

10. The International Space Station is the largest ever crewed object in space.

11. Like the Big Bang one day after    2 million trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion light years later there will be a BIG CRUNCH in our universe. There will be nothing. The last super massive black hole will eat everything and will be evaporated and our universe will be dark for ever. There will be no meaning of time and it will be going on. We can save our life from this big crunch  by going to another universe and finding a suitable place like Earth. We can do it by using the most popular theory in 21st century- the string theory. We can make tapeworm and travel space.

12. When any object goes into the wormhole it travels to another universe, but in between rhat its body dismantled into tiny particles and these tiny particles again fuses with each other and the object becomes same when the worm hole is about to end.

13. Everyday we loses tonnes of atmosphere from our earth into the space due the ozone holes which are made due to the pollution happening on our Earth.

14. The planet which has least gravity in our solar system is Mars and the highest gravity is Neptune.

15. The surprising thing about our civilization that in few 100 years later we are gonna become Type-I civilization, but recently we are now Type-0 civilization.


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