Our Solar System|Technospace


Our Solar System 

Our solar system is consist of the sun and nine planets and their moons. It is a very big planetary family. Some visitors like comets and asteroids are also part of our family. Most of the bodies in the solar system travel around the Sun along nearly circular paths called orbit.

Formation of Solar System

Solar system formation began billions of years ago, when gases and dust began to come together to form the Sun, planets, and othet bodies of the solar system.

Planets in the Solar System 

The planets nearer to the Sun have different features than planets which are far away from the sun. The first four nearer planets are known as Terrestrial Planets which have rocky surface and last four planets are known as JovianPlanets as they did not have rocky surface.

● Mercury

● Venus

● Earth

● Mars

● Jupiter

● Saturn

● Uranus

● Neptune

● Pluto(Dwarf Planet)
● And many othet dwarf planets

Solar system

Our Solar System lies in the Milky Way Galaxy.The Milky Way is the galaxy that contains our Solar System, with the name describing the galaxy's appearance from Earth: a hazy band of light seen in the night sky formed from stars that cannot be individually distinguished by the naked eye.

  • The Oort cloud is an immense spherical cloud surrounding the planetary system, and extending approximately 3 light years, about 30 trillion kilo metres from the Sun. 
  • Comets are made of rock, ic and dust and moves around the Sun. 
  • KuiperBelt is a ring of ice that circles around the solar system.
  • Christiaan Huygens discovered Saturn's rings and its largest moon, Titan in 1655.
  • In our solar systrm between Mars and Jupiter a belt lies which was formed billions of years ago due ti the gravitational pull and push of these two planets. This belt is known as the asteroid belt.

Radius:- 52850 light years
Age:- 13.51 billion years of age
Escape velocity:- 550 km/s
Number of stars:- 100-400 billion
Constellations:- Orion, Sagittarius, Scorpius,Carina, Ara

How did new planets came to our solar system? 

When our solar system was forming there were billions and billions of dust particles which were moving here and there in our solar system. Due to the immense gravitational pull and push and magnetic pull and push of the Sun all the dust particles started to arrange. According to the law of gravity, the object which have greater mass have more gravitational pull than the objects which have smaller mass than the first object. According to this the smaller objects started to combine or fuse with the bigger bodies and make it bigger and bigger to such a extent of planet. This was a long process which continues for billion of years. 

Why different planets differ from other planets ?

As different plants are made up of different kinds of particles, so they have different texture. And with over time there texture changed. 

When will our Solar System will be died or finished?

When our Sun will become a red super giant star and will start to exhaust its fuel, it will take over Mercury, Venus and will approach to Earth. This will change the balance of solar system. And solwly-slowly it will convert into supern9va and the whole solar system will be on the verge of destruction. 


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