The Ultimate Revelation of Sun|Technospace


The Sun is the largest object in the Solar System. The Solar system is dominated by the sun only. It contains approximately 98% of the total mass of the Solar system mass. The Sun appears to have been active for about 4.6 billion years, and has enough fuel to go on for another 5 billion years or so. The Sun is also the source of almost all the energy in the solar system. The Earth receives almost all its energy (heat and light) from the sun. The sun is known as surya in hindi. Due to the sun day and night happens, season changes on earth.

The Sun is essentially a sphere of hot gases. The temperature of the bright disc (visible), which is the source of energy for us, is about 6000 K. The disc is called the photosphere, which we will discuss in the next topic. 

Now, let's discuss the parts of the Sun,

●Solar core: It has temperature of about 14 million °C.

Photosphere: It is about 340 miles thick and temperatures range from 5500°C to 6000°C. It is made of churning gases.

Corona:  It is the outer most layer of  the Sun, and is only visible during solar eclipse

Solar Flare: Explosions can reach a maximum speed of 900 km/s and are more violent and spectacular.

What is the life cycle of the Sun ?

The Sun was formed from a nebula, similarly like the other stars. It is categorised in Red Giant Star. According to the research of the scientists, our Sun will undergo changes in the next billion of years. Our Sun will undergo 14 stages. First 6 stages are already complete of the Sun. In the next 4 stages (7, 8, 9, 10), it will be gradually warming, in the next billion of years. In the 10th stage it will become a Red Super giant star and it swallow Mercury. In the next 4 stage it will be going to supernova, after that in the 13th and 14th stage it will be going to white dwarf. After that it will be transformed into a planetary nebula.
If you want to know about stars and its life and death cycle then please also check What are stars ?


1. The sun blows a constant stream of invisible particles out into space in all the directions known as solar wind.

2. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) weighs about two tons and with its solar panels extended it stands about 25 feet  across. The spacecraft has 12 scientific instruments collecting information about sunspots, the corona, solar flares and vibrations deep in the Sun's interior.

3. A Sunspot are a small, dark patches region on the Sun's photosphere that is cooler and darker than the surrounding material.

4. Northern Lights are caused due to the interaction between the solarwind and the Earth's atmosphere. 

5. The Ulysses is the first space craft to explore the poles of the Sun.

6. The Sun's diameter is about 110 times bigger than that of the Earth. 


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