What are Stars?- All information related to stars|Technospace
A star is a ball of tremendously hot gas, which produces heat and light from nuclear reaction within its core. In a star, the gaseous molecules contain hydrogen and helium, which are bounded by the gravitational force of attraction.
● Start generate large amount of energy by the Nuclear Reaction in which hydrogen is converted into helium.
● Stars are classified by their colour. The hottest, youngest are usually yellow, while the coolest and oldest are blackish red in colour.
● Star lives depends upon its Mass. The bigger they are, the quicker they die. The more mass of a star has, the hotter it gets, the hotter it gets the quicker it exhaust its fuel supply.
● Binary star is a pair of star in which the smallest star orbits around the biggest star which are held in place by gravity. Binary stars are twin in the sense that they are formed together out of the same interstellar cloud.
● X-ray binaries are special kinds of binary stars that emits X- rays.
● A Brown Dwarf is a star whose mass is too small to have nuclear fusion occur at its core. A brown dwarf is not a very luminous star.
Extra facts :-
● Every second sun emits energy equal to 77 billion megatons.
● Proxima Centauri is the second nearest star to the earth after the sun.
● Super giants is the largest type of star and have short lifespan of a few million years.
Life and Death of Stars :-
All stars are formed in clouds of dust and gas are called the Nebulae. The gravitational force causes the denser region in the nebula to contract into dense clumps, which grow larger and larger and due to contraction, the temperature inside it rises which finally initiates the nuclear reaction, making the cloud of gases in to a star. Stars after their formation from the nebula, are divided in to two types. One is red giant star another is red supergiant star.
● Red giant star is a star which is equal to 1 to 1.5 the size of the sun ends with the formation of the Red giant star.
● A star with mass of 1.5 to 3 times the mass of the sun became a red supergiant after exhausting its fuel.
● Every star after exhausting its fuel turns into a Supernova after a explosive outbursts, which happens in every star.
● A red giant star after exhausting its fuel transforms in to a planetary Nebula.
● The recycled Chemicals of supernova turns into a interstellar medium.
● This interstellar turns into a nebula which again forms a star. This cycle is continuously going on in our space.
● A star with three times the mass of the sun is converted into a black hole.
● Stars which are 20 times more massive than our sun from theneutron stars.
Extra facts :-
● Neutron stars are about 20 kilometres in diameter and weigh 1.5 times more than the sun
● Pulsars are fast rotating neutron star that emit radio waves.
● SN 1604 was a supernova observed by Johannes Kepler in 1604.
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